Remember These Points before Starting to Learn the Dutch Language

Remember These Points before Starting to Learn the Dutch Language

Learning Dutch is very easy. These are some of the points or fun facts that will increase your interest in the language. So without further ado, let’s begin. Many Dutch words are similar to English as both of these languages have Germanic root. Hence, to learn Dutch, you must study a bit about the German language.

Some of the words that are similar to English are ‘banaan’ which means banana in Dutch, ‘tommat’ which stands for tomato, ‘blauw’ stands for blue, ‘appel’ stands for ‘apple’ etc. In the 17thcentury, there were many Dutch settlers in the U.S and they have contributed to the addition of many Dutch words in English. In a Dutch language course in Kolkata, you will learn some of these words viz. ‘cookie’ which has been derived from the Dutch word ‘koekje’. Another one is ‘Santa Claus’ which have been derived from ‘Sinterklaas’.

As mentioned above already the language is easy to learn because it falls somewhere between English and German. Dutch has two articles ‘het’ and ‘de’ but it does not have the grammatical cases like German. However, these two articles of the language can be a bit hard for which registering in a Dutch language course is important. You have to memorize these articles and nouns.

The Dutch sentences, just like German, often have their verbs placed at the end and for this, it takes a while to get used to the language. Additionally, as you learn Dutch you will notice that it uses the modal particles such as ‘nou’, ‘mar’, ‘eens’ which alter the mood of a sentence such as which make a command more formal or less direct or a request more urgent.

As you climb the higher levels of the Dutch language course, you will get to learn many difficult words. As the story goes that the Dutch would identify Germans by observing how they pronounced the word ‘Scheveningen’. Likewise, there are many other words which are part of the Dutch vocabulary that is being taught in the higher levels such as B1, B2 or the C1 and C2 of the CEFR respectively.

If you learn the language you will be able to learn other European languages too. After you have achieved some level of proficiency, you can take up some courses in other languages and you will find it quite easy to learn them. Apart from the free Dutch lessons that are available on the internet, you can take up courses on other languages too.

There is a popular myth that the oldest Dutch words were discovered in Rochester in the U.K.But, as we know that these are just stories. In the higher levels, you will get to learn some Dutch literature too. Your trainers in the Dutch language course in Kolkata will help in the deciphering the meaning of the content. In general, you can find many books on the internet also. There are several magazines which will help you in mastering the vocabulary as well.

These days many schools are also offering free Dutch lessons which are basically crash courses. If you just want to learn the basics of the language you can take these up because it will teach the language to you quickly.

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