Things that You do Not Know About Grand Canyon

Things that You do Not Know About Grand Canyon

Located in Arizona, Grand Canyon is a beautiful layered band of red rock that is a rich heritage and reveals millions of the years. A wide view of the Great Canyon and the beautiful Colorado River is simply spectacular at the time of sunset and sunrise.

Right from the geology to the human activities and history etc., there are hundreds of things that you would love to know when you plan to visit Grand Canyon. If you plan to make a trip to the Grand Canyon, there are certain things that you should take care of. Grand Canyon bus tours and helicopter tours are popular among the tourists. Given here is a quick look at the little known things about Grand Canyon.

How big it is?

Most of the people get stunned by the grandeur of the Grand Canyon but they do not have any idea about its size. The size of Canyon can be misleading. Some people that take only a superficial view of it think that it is about 100 miles long and just a mile deep. No! From the historic village of the South Rim, only a small portion of this is available. Over and all its size ranges between 10-18 miles and when measured from the river course, the Canyon is about 277 miles long. It actually covers 1,900 miles square.

What do you do there?

It is a common belief that apart from seeing the majestic Grand Canyon, there is nothing much that can be done here. Visitors drive up to the rim, look over and then drive off. Thankfully, this is just a myth. Grand Canyon National Park is one of the most sought-after destinations for hiking that can be done all along the rim and on the forest trails. It is a visual feast at the time of Sunset and Sunrise and photographers have a whale of time here. Tourists coming here can enjoy mule rides, bicycle rentals and can camp near the rim on the floor of the camp.

How do Visitors Reach Grand Canyon?

While it is just nice to arrive via Colorado River, most of the tourists to this place make their first leg by air. 3 nearest airports to these places are Flagstaff which is 125 miles towards the South, Phoenix which is 270 miles South and Las Vegas which is 300 miles west.  If you have visited Hoover Dam also, buses are available from Hoover Dam To Grand Canyon but a helicopter trip gives you more flexibility and enable you to have a panoramic view of a breathtaking beauty of Grand Canyon. There is a small town known as William where you can spend night and trains to the Grand Canyon from William are easily available.

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